Bug Score

1. Severity / Frequency Matrix:
2. Platforms Impacted (currently known):

Total Score:




Possible scores for severity and frequency:

Rating Severity score Frequency score
Very High 5.5 5
High 4.5 4
Moderate 3.5 3
Low 2.5 2
Very Low 1.5 1

Scores assigned for each selected platform:

Platform score
Web 0.5
iOS 0.5
Android 0.5
tvOS 0.5
Roku / Now TV 0.5
Freeview Play 0.5
Youview 0.5
Freesat 0.5
Samsung Tizen 0.5
Fire TV 0.5
Virgin Media 0.5


Example JQL Query used to sort bug tickets by assigned score: project = "DPUK" AND type = Bug ORDER BY "Bug Prioritisation Score" DESC